Going to med school later in life – some unexpected advantages

Going to med school later in life – some unexpected advantages

Like most pre-meds, I wanted to get into med school straight out of undergrad. But that didn’t happen. Now, after completing my first year of med school, I’ve realized my gap years were quite useful. And that there are some unexpected advantages of going to med school later in life. 1. When you start med…

Increase productivity with these 3 social media accounts

Increase productivity with these 3 social media accounts

In the New York Times Bestseller Atomic Habits, James Clear explains how our environment affects our habits. Let’s say we want to get in the habit of exercising regularly. We can set up our physical environment to cue us to that habit by putting our workout clothes where we can see them. Similarly, we can…

Skin care in humid climate for glowing skin – the essentials

Skin care in humid climate for glowing skin – the essentials

Amidst the Sephora sale and all good things I’m missing out on, I thought I’d share some skin care tips I wish I had considered before moving to the island. I have oily acne-prone skin and thought the hot and humid climate would cleanse my pores and do my skin some wonders. Instead, my skin…

Long distance relationship in medical school – how to survive

Long distance relationship in medical school – how to survive

Moving to Grenada has not been easy. Aside from the day to day struggles of living on an island, the other big challenge is trying to manage a long distance relationship in medical school. I miss my husband so much and it doesn’t get easier the longer I’m here. In fact, it just makes me…